
The capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa, the name means “the victorious city”. It is located on both banks of the River Nile near the head of the river’s delta in northern Egypt and has been settled for more than 6000 years, serving as the capital of numerous Egyptian civilizations.


The Pyramids of Egypt, which served as tombs for the Ancient Pharaohs, and the statue of the Sphinx, which dates from 2565 BC and is probably the country’s most famous monument, are located just west of Cairo in the suburb of Giza. 


Cairo has numerous religious and governmental structures. The ornate architecture of the Citadel, in eastern Cairo, enhances the city’s skyline. The Coptic Church known as Al Mu’allaqa, located in Old Cairo, is believed to be the earliest known site of Christian worship in Egypt; Old Cairo also has the Ben Ezra synagogue, the central house of worship for Cairo’s small Jewish population